You may download a press one sheet for Red Light District here.

Their first release in two years, featured on the Speakeasy 4 Comp“The Roaring 2020’s”, is a great homage to Texas’ most famous beard aficionados, ZZ Top. At once danceable, but also not predictably 4 on the floor, “Sharp Dressed Man” manages a delicate balance between live band organics and synthy goodness.
Blurb on AfterRetro (link)
How did you create “Come On Up”?Red Light District songs are usually based either around a theme sung by Juliette Angeli, or around a “found” sound, drum beat, or bass idea that I orchestrate. “Come On Up”, which premiered online in January 2012, marks the first time a song idea was sparked by someone other than us.Juliette and I were in the studio one afternoon working on another project and our friend, Dawn Fulton, stopped by to play a gypsy jazz guitar riff for us. Upon hearing it, we promptly stopped what we were doing and recorded it. The final product came together very quickly once we began adding bass guitar, drums, and the other components of the song. Dawn has since become a member of the band.
Shok interview by Ety.Heads via Etymotic Research (link)

"Like a simultaneous blast from the past and visit
from the future, Red Light District mixes the best
of both times to create their unique music. Trip-hop
style combines with swing sound and becomes
nothing short of the raucous swing parties one
has only experienced in film or imagination.
Their live shows become even more incredible
as Juliette and Shok introduce a full live band to
the mix. Their album Smoke and Mirrors is set for
release soon and it will be one you won’t want to
miss. Get ready for a blast of electro-swing as we
see what’s in store for Red Light District!"
- Paula Frank, Fourculture Magazine
Interview on Sweet-Headache (link)
How did you get interested in swing music in the first place?
"I have loved big band and swing music since I was a little girl. Growing up in Cincinnati Ohio, I listened to a radio program called “When Swing Was King”, and that is how I discovered many of the great musicians of that era." - Juliette
2012.AprilPress on Surviving The Golden Age (link)
"The album’s first single is “Come On Up,” a mixture of gypsy jazz and electro-beats. It is a fun and exotic combination."
Posted on 04.06.2012 by Adam Morgan