Wednesday, July 1, 2015

T's & I's

We are crossing our T's and dotting our I's, excited to share the wknd with you, San Francisco, California​ & Bay Area!!!

We have 1 show Friday, 2 shows Saturday and an exclusive late night DJ set by Shok.

Electric SwingSet - Come On Up!
Friday July 3 at 7:30pm to Jul 4 at 2:00am
RLD Soundsystem on 10:45pm

Electric SwingSet presents: Swingin' the 4th! at Milk Bar
Saturday July 4 7:00pm to 10:00pm
RLD Soundsystem on 8:45pm

Stars, Stripes & Speakeasies II: Freak Show
Saturday July 4 at 6:00pm to Jul 5 at 6:00am
RLD Soundsystem on 12:30am set & Shok exclusive DJ set 4:30am